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Improving lives and elevating communities, one life-changing Connection at a time.

The Power of Connection

Anyone who has experienced the unconditional love of a companion animal or who has taken a walk in the woods has likely felt the Power of Connection.  The physical effects of interactions with animals and nature are well documented and include improved heart health, reduced obesity and lowered blood pressure.  For many, the mental health benefits are even more pronounced.  Activities involving positive connections with animals and nature have been shown to reduce loneliness, stress, anxiety and depression and to improve the overall well-being of people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds.  Especially in children, connections with animals have been shown to increase empathy and to foster self-respect as well as respect for others.

Connections can be life-saving

Though everyone can benefit from positive connections with animals and nature, these connections are often even more impactful in certain vulnerable populations including:   


The Elderly especially vulnerable to isolation-related depression, elderly people who own a pet are less likely to feel lonely, anxious or depressed.  For these people, pets are often their only source of companionship.  Even short interactions with an animal have been shown to improve the overall emotional wellbeing of the elderly.  Approximately 1 in 3 older adults in the US are economically insecure and struggle to meet monthly expenses.  Many elderly people cannot afford to own pets, and there are few resources available to assist them.  


Children and Teens - the rate of mental illness in adolescents is rising.  One in five teenagers suffers from at least one diagnosable mental health disorder and suicide is the now the second highest cause of death in those aged 15-24.  Engaging children and adolescents in animal-assisted or nature-enriched counseling sessions has been shown to have positive effects, yet few licensed mental health professionals engage animals or nature in their work. 

Veterans - an estimated 15% of veterans suffer from PTSD or depression and approximately 11% have a substance abuse disorder.  While numerous veterans' aid programs exist, there are few resources available to connect veterans with animals to improve mental health. 

Children and Adults on the Autism Spectrum - research has demonstrated that those on the autism spectrum are more likely to smile, make eye contact with other people and communicate verbally when in the presence of animals or nature.

In spite of the obvious benefits of Connection, programs that connect people with animals and nature are not widely available and are often inaccessible to those who need them most.   

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 Our mission

To improve the well-being of entire communities by creating and facilitating mutually beneficial connections between people, animals and nature.

What we do


We offer therapeutic and educational programs that connect people with animals and nature, harnessing the Power of Connection to uplift, heal, and inspire empathy and respect for oneself and others. 


We provide resources that enable nonprofit organizations, educators and healthcare professionals to engage animals and nature in their work, ensuring that everyone can experience the healing Power of Connection.  


We work in partnership with animal welfare, human service and environmental organizations to promote the One Health movement.

The One Health approach

The concept of One Health recognizes that humans, animals and the environment are inextricably linked and interdependent on one another.  One Health encourages those working in the fields of human and animal health and welfare and environmental health and sustainability, to work collaboratively when solving problems that affect us all.  The One Health approach has been adopted by such national and global entities as the AVMA, the AMA, the CDC, the WHO, the UN and the EU and has become the foundation upon which global health and welfare issues are addressed.

The Connection Project has joined the One Health movement and actively strives to advance One Health through our programs and partnerships.

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Improving lives and elevating communities, one life-changing Connection at a time.

Get involved

To find out how you can become involved, contact us at

The Connection Project is a 501c3 organization, #45-4339944.

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